The products provided by Actress Love are 100% original (original tags attached).
We are collaborating with the best known brands, certified or official suppliers/distributors in the fashion industry.
Available Payments
- Credit Cards (Master/Visa, AMEX, JCB, Discover, Union Pay, etc.)
- Paypal
Worldwide shipping with DHL
- Countries within the EU: 1-4 days
- Outside the EU: 5-7 business days
Customs Charges
*Within the EU: no import taxes.
*The EU from/to a non-EU countries: the final customer will be charged the customs duty (depending on the regulations of the country of destination of the goods).
We offer a 14-day return policy to our customers (counting from the day the package is delivered).
The return shipping cost (customer’s change of mind) will be covered by the customer and should always be shipped back with an active tracking number.
The sender is responsible for customs fees. (select “sender will pay for customs fee”.)
All returns need to be shipped back with UPS, DHL, or FedEx.